
Guess you could call this blog a socio-political blog, although I don’t place hard-and-fast rules on what I blog about. Generally, it will have something to do with social justice, which is a cause I care deeply about although a little trawl through the archives reveals some odddities.

The blog got started because I decided that I had enough to say (and enough time to say it in) to make it worth it. I hope that what I write can one day make a difference to at least a few people’s worldview; open a few minds to the real inequalities that I write about and that most of us do not even think about. I am lucky in that I live in a developed country, am not in dire economic straits (while definitely not being rich either), and am not currently disabled.

(Decided to rewrite the ‘about’ page because I think the original was a bit too confrontational. That stuff can be saved for a new page on commenting policy.)

If you want to reach me by email, I’m at fireofanger@gmail.com. My pronouns are ze/zan/zans, although I’m all right with other non-binary pronouns.

  1. This is an interesting blog 🙂

    *is happy for WordPress tag-surfing functions*

  2. TalieC says:

    I’m compiling a set of resources for people questioning their gender and whether or not their gender being what it is makes them trans. Right now I’m working on a resource list for people who aren’t binary-gendered, to possibly figure out where they fall in gender-space, and showing them that they aren’t alone and that there are trans people like them. May I link your blog for this, and do you have any posts that you think are particularly good for this?

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